Women's History Month

Happy Women’s History Month! In celebration of women’s history month we are featuring a new trailblazing woman each week with inspired  cross-curricular lessons you can download from home that your little learner will love!


Week 1: Ada Lovelace

Students read, wrote, and learned all about the amazing Ada Lovelace- a mathematician, who helped invent the calculator and was the world’s first computer programmer! We have created fun, cross-curricular lessons kinder-5th grade featuring strong, smart, trailblazing woman who made a difference in the world!


Week 2: Mother Teresa

Week 2, we highlighted Mother Teresa, who changed the world by serving others through her love and dedication. Your little learners will love this lesson, filled with a rich biography, vocabulary, character traits, and fun service project ideas for kids! 📝 📚


Our lesson explores reading, writing, character traits, and learning new vocabulary! Students enjoyed making text connections, in dressing up like Mother Teresa and crafting Noble Peace Prize’s of their own with character traits that students value to hang in their room!🏅We also explored service projects for kids, and ways that we can make a difference in the world just like Mother Teresa, in “doing small things with great love!” ❤️ 🙏🌎

Week 3: Amelia Earhart

Week 3 of Women’s History month students loved reading, writing, and learning all about the trailblazing Amelia Earhart, who fought hard for women’s rights and equality, and broke records & barriers for women! 👩‍✈️✈️

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Check out the lesson we created as an accompaniment to this fun read-aloud. Your learners will enjoy trying their hands at cartography (map making), creating paper airplanes of their own, and planning their trips to circumnavigate the world! 📝🌎

Week 4: Frida Kahlo

To wrap up National Women’s History Month we learned about the bold, brave, and talented Frida Kahlo! Through our curated language Arts lesson in Reading, writing, and Art history, K-5th grade Students learned about Frida’s fighting spirit, love of painting, and bravery in breaking social conventions.

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Learners loved making text-self connections with the book “Little People, Big Dreams Frida Kahlo”, dressing up like Frida, creating self-portraits, and making paper flowers of their own! 🌺

adriene madden