Carrot Study πŸ₯•

Hi mamas,

We had so much fun studying carrots!

Our K-2nd graders learned the history and origin of carrots through our STEM journals, harvested carrots from our garden, baked carrot muffins, and practiced brushing their teeth with nature’s toothbrush! πŸͺ₯

Carrots are known to not only have vitamins & minerals, but also antibacterial and antiseptic properties as well for healthy oral hygiene. πŸ₯•

Learners had so much hands-on fun as we watched our carrots go from the garden bed to carrot cake muffins with homemade cream cheese frosting. πŸ₯•πŸ§

They also enjoyed learning about carrot super powers such as vitamin A, minerals, antioxidants, healing properties, and antiseptic properties!

Follow along at home by downloading our β€œC is for Carrot” lesson, in our shop now.

We love creating lessons that are both fun and educational!

adriene madden